If we come up with a student accommodation scheme where we have the option to name our consultant team it would be Willmore Iles, as simple as that. I’ve not come across any practice yet that has Willmore Iles’ experience in the sector. There is a depth of knowledge within the team that we haven’t seen in any other practice. That comes across to our clients as well. We would recommend them over anybody we’ve ever seen.
Paul Ellenor, Interserve NE
The design of student residential accommodation is not like other types of residential architecture. Students have their own distinct needs. They are, in the majority of cases, young people and a proportion will be from overseas with potential language and cultural issues to manage. All of them are in a state of transition between life at home and the living and learning environment of university.
This transitional change, while exciting and challenging, can also be very stressful for students. We take every opportunity within our designs to make this transition as smooth and positive as possible.
Our student residential clients recognise the increasing importance of pastoral care, and the role architecture can play in supporting community building and the mental well-being of students. We work to ensure that universities provide meaningful environments for sleeping, studying and socialising.
The Willmore Iles Architects approach is based on partnership, building long term relationships with Universities and third-party providers. Our first client was University Partnerships Programme. We worked with them on the first Public-Private Partnership student accommodation scheme at the University of Plymouth and they are still our client today.
Clients benefit from our deep knowledge of both their needs as a provider and of wider industry issues. Our understanding of the requirements of construction, funding and operation of student schemes are an integral part of the design. And we pursue a positive planning process, engaging with the planning authority and wider stakeholder groups, to ensure a beneficial consent for our clients.
We use a holistic, well-informed approach to sustainability. We consistently look for ‘best value’ solutions to minimise the negative environmental impact of our buildings by enhancing efficient energy use, reducing materials consumption and designing responsibly.